Laura Quilligan
Laura Quilligan

I have been an artist for most of my life. It all started in 4th grade when my 4th grade teacher shamed me for not understanding fractions. We lived down the street from my elementary school in a the suburb of Woodland Hills California; Calvert Elementary.

After receiving a D in math from Mr. Crovitz on my report card, I walked with my classmates, as usual, after we all received our report cards. Not only did I receive a D in math, but Mr. Crovitz dismissed my questions when I tried to ask questions about the grade.

So the walk home was a walk of shame for me. As I compared my D in math to my friends' A's and B's, I felt left out, alone, and not good enough.

The anitdote to this experience, was when I went into the backyard and noticed our tree. The beauty, strength, and energy of our tree gave me a sense of wonder, peace, and self acceptance. It was then that I drew a picture of the tree. In drawing our backyard tree, I discovered the healing and magic that occurs with engaging in hands on art. I was lost in the magic, and was able to feel whole, alive, and happy despite my grade in math.

To this day, and as a professional artist for 50 years, I have embraced the wonder of doing art. I believe, wholeheartedly that "art saves lives", and can heal, sustain, enliven, and make life worth living.

As a creativity coach, it is my greatest wish to help others discover their own creative voice, however dormant or buried in layers of self criticism, doubt and fear of not being "good enough".

I have a BA in Fine Art from San Francisco State University and have worked in many mediums. I created a line of ceramic jewelry, prints, paper jewelry, and a line of wearable art.

Working in a professional art modality, I have sold my work in galleries and at shows over many years. As a Kaizen Muse creativity coach, it is my wish to help guide, encourage, and support women seeking a way to uncover their joy and creative voice with simple no pressure methods that bring a sense of wholeness to their everyday lives.

Wishing you wellness, peace, and happiness,

xo Laura

Medium member since October 2021
Connect with Laura Quilligan
Laura Quilligan

Laura Quilligan

Artisan, certified Kaizen Muse Creativity Coach. Your creativity is a journey of courage and perseverance. I can help with your blocks.